Our workplace resources have been downloaded 74,884 times (and counting) from 105 countries.

Try Our New Workplace Kindness Challenge!

This is a fun and engaging challenge to use in your workplace to encourage a kinder, more compassionate environment.

When someone completes all of the 50 kindness items on the sheet, celebrate! Consider offering an incentive like a gift card, a vacation day, tickets to an event or whatever is appropriate for your organization.

Download the challenge and encourage your team to join in.

Download Now

If you’re interested in working with us to create a customized challenge for your organization, email us at info@randomactsofkindness.org.

Thank you to all the organizations who are using our resources to help make kindness the norm.

"Thank you so much for your help with our Kindness Challenge this fall. It was very successful! Spreading kindness one person at a time!"
Town of Castle Rock, CO

"Thank you so much for getting us started and inspiring Random Acts of Kindness Week at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. We had a blast running this campaign for our first year and expect to grow it next year."
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

"The challenge is truly incredible! We appreciate so much the research, creativity and effort that went into creating a custom challenge for McCormick!"
McCormick & Company, Inc.

If you are using our workplace resources, we would love to hear from you: info@randomactsofkindness.org.